Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And So It Begins...

So after much anticipation and eagerness, I have begun my grad school journey. All day today I was pacing and trying to pass the time until my very first class. It didn't help that the class doesn't start until 6p so I had a lot of time on my hands.

It felt like my very first day of high school. I don't think my first day of college was as nerve-racking. But I could not keep from wondering what it would be like. Would the professor lecture the entire time? Would my classmates be a bunch of scholarly professionals? Would the professor lay down the law at the beginning of class setting the tone for the semester? What should I wear? Instead I walked into the classroom and felt like I was back in undergrad. Not back in freshman year undergrad, but upper division undergrad where many of the people in my class were in their mid to late 20s and there were even a few grandmothers, literally! But Instead I felt like I was in another upper division Communications course.

It was a relief to see that not much is different, but I'm sure I will be eating my words tomorrow when I embark on my History course.

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